Sisterhood News

As spring approaches we prepare for our fun Purim holiday.  We meet at 1 pm Sunday, March 9.  This year Rabbi Marcy invites Sisterhood into her home to make homemade Hamentaschen that we will share at a Potluck and service commencing on 14 March at 5 pm at TBT.  Services at 7 pm. Feel free to come any time that evening.

Rabbi Marcy
15707 Parksley Drive
Houston TX 77059

Please volunteer to bring a dish for potluck and help set up and clean up.

Rabbi wants as many as possible to make Hamentaschen so call her if you need an alternative time. Rabbi 713//705-7662.

Marsha 832-425-6245



The Temple Beth Tikvah Sisterhood is a vital part of the TBT community, providing for many of the temple’s needs. Each year annual dues are collected prior to the beginning of the Jewish new year at Rosh Hashanah. Annual Sisterhood dues are only $30.00 for members of TBT and $36.00 for non-members. These dues allow the Sisterhood to keep our temple kitchen stocked; provide paper goods, coffee and drinks for our Oneg Shabbats and other Holy Day celebrations, like our Rosh Hashanah Apples & Honey Oneg, Yom Kippur Break Fast and our Hanukkah Menorah Lighting Service. It also goes to purchase all of the ritual foods for our Passover Seder; put on the Annual Chicken Soup Cook-Off; purchase gifts for our B’nai Mitzvah kids; supplement other Sisterhood events and help our temple in so many ways.