Hope you all had a Happy Hanukah! Our meeting in December is on SATURDAY Dec 18th instead of Sunday. This is due to a venue change. The book is Exodus by Leon Uris. This is an historical novel about the founding of the state of Israel beginning with the voyage of the 1947 immigration Ship Exodus. We will present a viewing of the film Exodus starring Paul Newman. The film is 3 ½ hrs long. We will have an intermission with snacks and drinks. Hope you will all come to our meeting for the end of the year.
Time: 1230-5pm 9/18/2021-
Place: Home of Carol Zucker, graciously offered for the meeting
Address: 3814 Partridgeberry Ct (Pinebrook)
Houston TX 77059
Phone: 513-235-5467
If you can’t stay the entire time you can leave early.
Please rsvp to Carol or myself by text, we would like to know the number of people for seating, etc. My number is 832-692-2338. Since we are in a private home, vaccinations are required to attend. Masks as you feel necessary.
Slippers are requested.
Quote- “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness,” Alert Einstein
Hope you all had a Happy Hanukah! Our meeting in December is on SATURDAY Dec 18th instead of Sunday. This is due to a venue change. The book is Exodus by Leon Uris. This is an historical novel about the founding of the state of Israel beginning with the voyage of the 1947 immigration Ship Exodus. We will present a viewing of the film Exodus starring Paul Newman. The film is 3 ½ hrs long. We will have an intermission with snacks and drinks. Hope you will all come to our meeting for the end of the year.
Time: 1230-5pm 9/18/2021-
Place: Home of Carol Zucker, graciously offered for the meeting
Address: 3814 Partridgeberry Ct (Pinebrook)
Houston TX 77059
Phone: 513-235-5467
If you can’t stay the entire time you can leave early.
Please rsvp to Carol or myself by text, we would like to know the number of people for seating, etc. My number is 832-692-2338. Since we are in a private home, vaccinations are required to attend. Masks as you feel necessary.
Slippers are requested.
Quote- “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness,” Alert Einstein
See you soon. Jeanne