Annual Sisterhood Mtg and (finishing) Box Decorating
Thursday August 17, 6:30 – 9:00
The “meeting” time will be conducted as quickly as possible with updates, a look at the calendar for HHD planning (Tashlich picnic, Yom Kippur Break fast feast and other get togethers (museum tour, pool party at Marsha’s and anything else anyone wants to add). The majority of the time will be spent ogether avisiting, noshing decorrating the boxes. Come relax, nosh on some refreshments and decorate a box as you choose.
August 18, 2022 Meeting Agenda
1.TBT Updates, Sisterhood updates – Pres., Treasurer and Secretary
2. HHD events – Prep/planning for fillers for Boxes, Rosh Hashanah Tashlich picnic and Yom Kippur Break the fast feast – decorating TBT and tables, table clothes,
3. Restocking needs in the kitchen – applicable to HHD needs etc…
4. Annual Dues are due – Bring your double chai, $36.00
This $$ helps pay for sending people to the ISJL conference, supplies for the temple kitchen and T.P., decorations, Boxes for the HHD boxes we’ll decorate, Sisterhood Onegs (we just had a special one a month or so ago), reimbursements for refreshements when we meet and door prizes. Remember last year we designated up to $25.00 reimbursement with a receipt and request if you host an event. While we haven’t used much during the time we were zoom only, we still have expenses. YOUR double chai membership is appreciated!
5. Select activities and dates for upcoming get togethers- completion/filling boxes for Rosh Hashanah, Marsha’s pool party, museum day, rock painting etc…
6. Sisterhood President, Treasurer and Secretary positions
7. Other? Let me know if you want anything added to the Agenda for the Meeting